Our Services

We are in business of providing professional strategic in Financial Management, Administration & Human Resource Management, Training and Investment Consultancy Services that would improve client’s business from Zero to Hero.

We also assist Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SME), Schools, Hospitals, Churches, Private and Public Sectors in setting up a new Finance and Accounting Systems (FAS), new Administrative and HR Performance System (AHRPS), new Training and Investment System(TIS) for efficient and effective management of their businesses in order to enhance systematic structure and value added performance.



F- FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: is the methodology and software that an organization uses to oversee and govern its Income, Expenses and Assets. Is strategically planning how business should earn and spend money this includes raising capital, borrowing money and budgeting. It is a vital activity in any organization in the process of  planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities of the enterprise, it means applying general management via…

  • Financial Planning and Modeling
  • Effective Budgeting and Budgetary Control as one of the tools in the arsenal of businesses used to ensure that things are under control.
  • Managing Cash Flow and liquidity, no matter how profitable a business is, it will go burst if it does not have enough liquid cash and cash equivalent as well as managing working capital management.
  • Preparation of Financial Statement and Reconciliation of Bank Statement
  • Payroll System, if getting it wrong can lead to the whole business crumble
  • Inventory Management and Control
  • Handling tax issues and Ensuring compliance with the relevant laws
  • Billing and Credit Control Responsibility, ensuring that customers pay their correct bill
  • Asset Management Function through comprehensive asset register,
  • Procurement and Utilization of Fund or Source and Application of Fund
  • Analysis of the present position, (where are you now) Planning the future direction (where do you want to be and how do you get there) Decision Making(which way is best)
  • Advisory Services on Personal and Company Taxation (PIT & CIT)
  • Computation of PAYE, Pension Fund,WHT, VAT & Settlement of it with the authorities.
  • Cost Control and get involved in cost saving activities by logging ahead with other department primarily because costs are being cut.
  • Prevention of Fraud, all hands must be on deck in preventing fraud in an organization
  • Understanding where IFRS apply and the need for IFRS for SMEs
  • Writing Accounting Policy and Procedure Manual: are living documents that directs finance and accounting transactions of the business as a whole. This manual has to be approved by top management




A – ADMINISTRATION/HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: is the backbone of an organization. An effective administrator is an asset to an organization, is the link between an organization’s and various departments and ensures the smooth flow of information from one office to the other. Thus without an effective administration, an organization would not run professionally and smoothly. A human resource manager has two basic functions: overseeing department functions and managing employees. For this reason, a human resources manager must be well versed in each of the human resources disciplines-compensation and benefit, training and development, employee relations, recruitment and selection. Core competencies HR managers have solid communication skills and decision- making capabilities based on analytical skills and critical thought processes. Via

  • To ensure the efficient performance of all departments in an organization
  • To devises short and long term plans that establish a clear set of objectives that aim to get the organization where it wants to go.
  • To enhance the office staff’s ability to manage and organize effectively & professionally.
  • To understand general concepts of Administration, File in the proper way and standard.
  • Development an appropriate office and assets management strategy
  • Ability to develop administrative procedures, plan and control administrative budget.
  • Ability to provide motivation to the work force and make them realize the goals of the organization.
  • Liaison an effective administrator is a liaison between management and staff. By engaging both parties, an administrator can find solutions that will meet the demands of both management and staff
  • Overall Responsibilities of Human Resource Managers have strategic and functional responsibilities for all of the HR disciplines
  • Compensation and Benefit. Human resource managers provide guidance and direction to compensation and benefits specialists. Within this discipline, develop strategic compensation plans, align performance management system with compensation structure and monitor negotiations for group health care benefits.
  • Training and Development includes new hire orientation, leadership training and professional development seminars and workshops. Human resource managers oversee needs assessment to determine when training is necessary and the type of training necessary to improve performance and productivity.
  • Human Resource play an integral role in implementing employee development strategy and succession planning based on training and professional development devise career tracks for employees who demonstrate the aptitude and desire for upward mobility.
  • Employee Relations human resource managers has ultimate responsibility for preserving the employer- employee relationship through designing an effective employee relations strategy. It also ensures that employee have a safe working environment, free from discrimination and harassment.
  • Recruitment and Selection: Human resource managers develop strategic solutions to meet workforce demands and labor force trends. An employment manager actually oversees the recruitment and selection processes.


T-TRAINING: Training is teaching or developing in oneself or others, any skill and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving ones capability, capacity, productivity and performance. Training aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient’s performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill…. Via

  • Facilitating Training of Accounting Staff: Accounting is a living discipline that requires her practitioners to keep abreast with the ever changing accounting world. Periodic training, workshops or seminars are organized to abreast knowledge. Traditional accounting departments no longer exist, what we now have  are  hybrid accounting departments where functions cut across many areas like a management accountant getting involved in the decision making of acquiring IT infrastructure
  • Facilitating Training of Administrative and Human Resource Staff and enlighten them on their difference between administration and human resource. Admin is the head of any organization concerned with organization supervision, decision making, rules and regulation, control, growth. While HR is one of the department that deal with human resource, ensure quality working conditions for the employees, clean environment, friendly attitude, addressing health and safety risks, dealing with personal issues of the employees
  • Facilitating company investment for future reservation, growth, diversification and development.


Our team shall work with your company to organize training in such a manner as to reduce interference with the company’s usual operations as well as minimize the associated costs in the following ways:

1, WORK WITH THE HR OR DEPARTMENT CONCERN: to do a competency analysis into segment of the participants into the right group that yields maximum benefit to the organization

2, WORK OUT AN ARRANGEMENT TO RUN THE TRAINING ACROSS THE ORGANISATION WITH MINIMAL HOTEL AND TRANSPORT COSTS: By delimiting the organization into various training zones and the facilitators running the training in each identified zone or region.

3, SELECTION FOR EACH TRAINING DATES: will be communicated to participants and their supervisors early enough to give room for arrangements that reduces interference with normal operations of the organization.

4, BEAR THE COST OF FACILITATORS: The organization will bear the cost of facilitators who will move with the identified zones or regions of the company





1, A personalized group training with only staff in attendance gives room for specific problems peculiar to your organization to be discussed.

2, The cost of training groups is far cheaper than the cost of training individual

3, Cost of transportation and Hotel expenses is reduced or eliminated where training is held at a venue chosen by the clients

4, Personalized training is organized at the time and venue chosen by the client. It therefore means that timing and venue is at the convenience of your staff and the organization since this would have been mutually agreed between management and participants’ supervisors.


The training offer in-depth theory and practical, step by step training on the use of Peach Tree Accounting Package, Office Suites e g MS Excel, MS word and MS PowerPoint e t c, with the following associated benefits:

  • Skilled Manpower: Your Staff are better equipped
  • Structure and Systematic Organization
  • Competitive I.T Knowledge
  • Evaluate Staff Performance and Productivity
  • Reduced Turnaround Time
  • Good Reporting Presentation Skills
  • Confident and Result Oriented Staff
  • Strong Understanding of Reports Requirement
  • Reliable and Timely Financial Reports
  • Generation of High Integrity Reports
  • Reduced Review Time for Supervisors and Higher Reliance on Subordinates Reports
  • Sound Data Analysis and Finance/Admin. Interpretation Skills
  • Financial Modeling and Ability to Appraise Projects


1, THE ISSUES:  We listen to understand our client’s problems and also understand the issue in order to enable us create the value

2, DIAGNOSIS: We review, analyze, diagnose the problem and decide on the best approach to apply.

3, PROJECT PLAN: Our understanding enables us to organize and plan the work ahead, deploying staff based on competency advantage on each task

4, TIME LINE ANALYSIS: We draw up our time lines for each project. We take our clients all the way to the finish line. We add real value to the client… that is the reason for our existence.

5, FEEDBACK/ WRAP UP: We do not stop at conclusion, we still open our ears to any call, we are always available.



I-INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO:  An investment is an asset that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will appreciate in the future. In an Economic sense an investment is the purchase of goods that are NOT consumed today, but are used in the future to create wealth. In Finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or will be sold at a higher price for a profit. Investments can be broken into three basic groups: (i) Ownership (ii) Lending (iii) Cash Equivalents.

  • OWNERSHIP INVESTMENTs: Ownership investment are what comes to mind for most people when the word “investment” is batted around. Ownership investments are the most volatile and profitable class of investment. The following are examples of ownership investments:
  • STOCKS: Stocks are literally certificates that say you own a portion of a company. More broadly speaking, all traded securities, from futures to currency swaps, are ownership investments, even though all you may own is a contract. When you buy one of these investments, you have a right to a portion of a company’s value or a right to carry out a certain action (as in a futures contract). Your expectation of profit is realized (or not) by how the market values the asset you own the rights to. If you own shares in FBN and FBN posts a record profit, other investors are going to want FBN shares too. Their demand for shares drives up the price, increasing your profit if you choose to sell the shares.
  • BUSINESS: The money put into starting a business is an investment. Entrepreneurship is one of the hardest investments to make because it requires more than just money. Consequently, it is also an ownership investment with extremely large potential returns. By creating a product or service and selling it to people who want it, entrepreneurs can make huge personal fortunes.
  • REAL ESTATE: Houses, apartments or other dwellings that you buy to rent out or repair and resell are investment. The house you live in, however, is a different matter because it is filling a basic need. The house you live in fills your need for shelter and, although it may appreciate over time, it shouldn’t be purchased with an expectation of profit.
  • PRECIOUS OBJECTS: These are objects that are bought with the intention of reselling them for a profit. Precious metals and collectible are not necessarily a good investment for a number of reasons, but they can be classified as an investment nonetheless. Like a house, they have a risk of physical depreciation and require upkeep and storage costs that cut into eventual profits
  • LENDING INVESTMENT: Lending investments allow you to be the bank. They tend to be lower risk than ownership investment and return less as a result. A bond issued by a company will pay a set amount over a certain period, while during the same period the stock of a company can double or triple in value, paying far more than a bond – or it can lose heavily and go bankrupt, in which case bond holders usually still get their money and the stockholder often gets nothing.
  • SAVING ACCOUNT: Regular savings account you can call yourself an investor. You are essentially lending money to the bank, which it will dole out in the form of loans.
  • BONDS: Bond is a catchall category for a wide variety of investments from Treasuries and international debt issues to corporate junk bonds and credit default swaps (CDS). The risks and returns vary widely between the different types of bonds, but overall, lending investments pose a lower risk and provide a lower return than ownership investments.
  • CASH EQUIVALENTS: These are investments that are “as good as cash” which means they’re easy to convert back into cash
  • Money Market Funds: With money market funds, the return is very small 1% to 2% and the risks are also small. Although money market funds have “broken the buck” in recent memory, it is rare enough to be considered a black swan event


1, AUTONOMOUS INVESTMENT: Investment which does change with the changes in income level is called an Autonomous or Government investment. Autonomous investment remains constant irrespective of income level. Which means even if the income is low, the autonomous, investment remains the same. It refers to the investment made on houses, roads, public buildings and other parts of infrastructure. The Government normally makes such a type of investment.

2, INDUCED INVESTMENT: Investment which changes with the changes in the income level is called an induced investment. Induced investment is positively related to the income. That is, at high levels of income entrepreneurs are induced to invest more and vice-versa. At a high level of income, Consumption expenditure increases this leads to an increase in investment of capital goods, in order to produce more consumer goods.

3, FINANCIAL INVESTMENT: Investment made in buying financial instruments such as new for purchasing existing financial instruments such as old bonds, old shares, etc, cannot be considered as financial investment. It is a mere transfer of a financial asset from one individual to another. In financial investment, money invested for buying of new shares and bonds as well as debentures have a positive impact on employment level, production and economic growth.

4, REAL INVESTMENT: Investment made in new plant and equipment, construction of public utilities like schools, roads and railways etc…, is considered as Real Investment.                    Real Investment in new machine tools, plant and equipment’s purchased factory buildings, etc. increases employment, production and economic growth of the nation. Thus real investment has a direct impact on employment generation, economic growth, etc.

5, PLANNED INVESTMENT: Investment made with a plan in several sectors of the economy with specific objectives is called as Planned or intended investment. Planned Investment can also be called an intended investment because an investor while making investment makes a concrete plan of his investment.

6, UNPLANNED INVESTMENT: Investment done without any planning is called as an unplanned or unintended investment. In unplanned type of investment, investors make investment randomly without making any concrete plans. Hence it can also be called as Unintended Investment. Under this type of investment, the investor may not consider the specific objectives while making an investment decision.

7, GROSS INVESTMENT: Gross Investment means the total amount of money spent for creation of new capital assets like Plant and Machinery, Factory Building, etc.

8, NET INVESTMENT: Net Investment is Gross Investment less (minus) Capital Consumption (Depreciation) during a period of time usually a year. It must be noted that a part of the investment is meant for depreciation of the capital asset or for replacing a worn-out capital asset. Hence it must be deducted to arrive at net investment.